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Sunday 17 May 2015


Image Source: Instagram

Crazy colourful hair is no longer just for Unicorns or Magazine covers, celebs or punk rockers anymore. Social media has been buzzing with lots of women ditching the normal hues for all sorts of fun shades like stunning silvers, blues and pink shades. Also, short natural hair and the shaved sides still remain in-style this season. 

Women are experiment with all sorts of bold and daring hairstyle choices that they wouldn't have normally gone for in the past . I am especially loving the  grey hair trend, there's just something chic about it, maybe because were all gonna get there eventually so why not start early lol. 

I have once rocked blue yarn braids in the past and I really enjoyed it ...not to mentions the weird stares you get...and sometimes angry stares like how dare u have the guts to try that out when i could'nt lol. How I miss those interesting times in my life. 

With hair being my first love and me being a frustrated hairstylist, I have come up with a list of hairstyles that have caught my eye from celebs to bloggers/youtubers. 

If you're bold enough to be different or in need of a make-over , have a look and be inspired because in my opinion, your hairstyle is your best accessory after all  as it can either make or break your OOTD girl.

1. Grey/Silver Hair aka  grannyhair

2. Grey Braids

 3. Hues of Blue

4. Blue Braided Unicorns

5. Short Naturals

6. Blonde Cuts

7. Shaved Sides

8. Shades of Pink


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